Flags, naval staff, paint schemes, and weapon modifications all mean World of Warships becomes a behemoth of a game.

With over 300 vessels to choose from, you are spoilt for choice. In standard strategy game style, once you start to win battles you can outfit your fleet and upgrade. Instead, everything needs preempting and prepping in advance. You can’t perform turns and shots at a whim, like real naval warfare. One of the main differences between this game and others in the series is the realism of the controls. You will pair up with another player with who you can interact and build strategies. From here, you will have a choice of missions to partake in and each battle contains two teams. The game starts off by selecting your first ship. Lashings of artistic license lets you command vessels from across history in your campaigns. They blend historical accuracy and realism with entertaining strategy action. The game does what all others in its family do so well. The same company is also responsible for World of Tanks and World of Warplanes. Created by the Wargaming group, it has been around since 2015. Best Naval Warfare Games World of Warships