
Wipe drive pro
Wipe drive pro

If you delete everything from a hard disk on a phone or PC, write over every sector with junk data, and then delete that, the original deleted data becomes virtually unrecoverable. Even after you delete a file and empty your trash, all this does is mark the sector of drive it was on as available to be written. Regardless of what kind of disk your device has, it’s important to remember that deletion isn’t erasure. You’ll also find both inside portable external hard disks. Solid-state is ubiquitous in smartphones and tablets and also widely used in desktop and laptop PCs. Internal storage found in all phones and computers comes in two main flavours: magnetic hard disks write data to spinning platters and usually provide more capacity for your money solid-state storage is faster and more physically robust as there are no moving parts. So, to help protect your privacy, here’s the WIRED guide to securely wiping your data. Unfortunately, unethical chancers can, have and will data-mine second-hand hardware.

wipe drive pro wipe drive pro

It makes sense to reuse, recycle, give away or sell on fully functional phones and computers when you’ve upgraded to the next model.

Wipe drive pro